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super momMothers are cool!  None of us would be here without them so this one day a year we can show them some appreciation.   We can spoil them and show them that we care and are thankful for all that they do.

The tradition of honoring our moms was practiced durring the middle ages and probably even farther back around the world.  The second Sunday of May became a US Holiday in 1914 when U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson made it official.  Many countries follow this date and some have their own, yet it is important enough to show our mothers they are important to us.

As you celebrate your mom(s) we would like to help you.  We have created a collection of fun and unique gifts that you can customize and give her a one of a kind item that will be just from you and special.   We have shirts, wrapping paper, blankets, wooden wall art, mugs and lots more. Check out the link below for more…